Subscribe positions
Subscribe to receive positions as they update. Returns Position.
Subscribe positions request example
"positionSubscriptions":[ {
Request body
Attribute | Description |
clientReferenceId | string: (required) Your ID for the position subscription. |
customerId | string: (required) User ID subscribing to positions. |
customerOrg | string: (required) Organization ID subscribing to positions. |
fromValueDate | string: (required) The start date (inclusive) of the position date range in the format MM/dd/yyyy . |
toValueDate | string: (required) The end date (inclusive) of the position date range in the format MM/dd/yyyy . |
pnlCurrency | string: (required) The P&L reporting currency. |
positionLevel | string: (required) Positions calculated by the entity that took the position: ORG =Your organization. USER =Your users. CPTYORG =Your counterparty organizations. |
inclCustomerPositions | boolean: (required) true =Include customer positions in returned positions. false =Return only positions take by your organization. |
Subscribe positions response example
{ "positionSubscriptionResponses":[ {
Response body
Attribute | Description |
clientReferenceId | string: Your ID for the position subscription. |
customerId | string: User ID subscribing to positions. |
customerOrg | string: Organization ID subscribing to positions. |
fromValueDate | string: The start date (inclusive) of the position date range in the format MM/dd/yyyy . |
toValueDate | string: The end date (inclusive) of the position date range in the format MM/dd/yyyy . |
pnlCurrency | string: The P&L reporting currency. |
positionLevel | string: Positions calculated by the entity that took the position: ORG =Your organization. USER =Your users. CPTYORG =Your counterparty organizations. |
inclCustomerPositions | boolean: true =Include customer positions in returned positions. false =Return only positions take by your organization. |
positionRequestId | string: The Integral API ID for your position subscription request. |
status | string: The status of your request. |
Position example
{ "position":{
Attribute | Description |
side | string: Long or short. |
symbol | string: Base and term currency separated by a slash "/" (for example EUR/USD ). |
valuedate | string: The value date of the trades that make up the position. |
level | string: The level of the position calculation:
levelValue | string: The ID of either the user or organization based on the value of level . |
netOpenBase | double: Net open amount in base currency. |
netOpenterm | double: Net open amount in term currency. |
rate | double: The weighted average buy or sell rate of the current position. |
realizedPnL | double: The profit or loss in the base currency determined by taking all trades(or portions thereof) that are closed and computing the profit for each pair of opposing buy/sell trades. |
unrealizedPnL | double: The profit or loss in the base currency determined by taking the position's currency pair rate against the current market rate at the position amount. Essentially, the unrealized P/L is the profit or loss if the position was closed at the current close rate. |
pnlCurrency | string: The P&L reporting currency. |
children | list: List of child positions. |
Unsubscribe positions
Unsubscribe from position updates.
Unsubscribe positions request example
{ "positionUnsubscriptions":
[ { "positionRequestId":"1242460608"
Request body
Attribute | Description |
positionRequestId | string: (required) The positionRequestId from the positionSubscriptionResponses message. |
Unsubscribe positions response example
{ "positionUnsubscriptionResponses":
[ { "request":
{ "positionRequestId": "1242460608"
Response body
Attribute | Description |
positionRequestId | string: (required) The positionRequestId from your unsubscribe response. |
status | string: The status of your request. |