Cookbook / REST
Log in and get your access token.
Get spot prices
Request a spot price from executable streaming prices (ESP).
Get fixed-period market data
Request rates from a provider that supports tradable rates over a fixed period.
Place an order (limit)
Place a limit order and query its progress through the order workflow.
Place an order (at best)
Place an at-best order and query its progress through the order workflow.
Place an order (previously quoted)
Place a previously quoted order and query its progress through the order workflow.
Book a trade
Book a trade done in another system.
Get done trades
Download new trades.
Request quotes
Request a quote from a stream (RFS).
Trade fixed-period rates
Execute a trade with rates from a fixed-period market data set, from login and requesting rates to downloading the done trade.
Trade ESP spot
Execute a spot trade with ESP rates, from login and requesting rates to downloading the done trade.
Trade on behalf of
Execute a spot trade with ESP rates on behalf of another organization, from login and requesting rates to downloading the done trade.
Trade RFS
Execute a trade in the RFS workflow, from login and requesting the stream to downloading the done trade.