The orders
channel provides APIs to place and cancel orders.
The order object
Both the orders
message you send and the orderResponses
message you receive contain the Order
object payload.
The attributes that you send and receive depend on the requested action and order type.
Order object example
{ "coId":"req7",
"transactTime": 1664268780195,
Place order
Place a new order. You can place various types of order such as limit, market, stop, algo, pegged, and more. Under algo orders you can execute various strategies such as TWAP.
Place limit order (GTC) example
{ "orders":
[ { "coId":"Order25",
Request body
{ "orders":["order object"] }
Request parameters
The required attributes on the order
object depend on the order type.
Order Type | Required Attributes |
Limit(GTC) | coId, type=Limit, side, symbol, size, price, currency, timeInForce=GTC |
Limit(GTT) | coId, type=Limit, side, symbol, size, price, currency, timeInForce=GTT, expiryTime |
Market(GTT) | coId, type=Market, side, symbol, size, price, currency, timeInForce=GTT, expiryTime |
Place: Stop | coId, type=Stop, side, symbol, size, price, currency, stopPrice, timeInForce, execFlags=BidTrigger| OfferTrigger| MidTrigger |
Place order response filled example
{ "coId":"Mid9",
Place order response partially filled example
{ "orderResponses":[
{ "coId":"Ord2010",
Response body
{ "orderResponses":["order object"] }
When placing orders, you receive orderResponses
messages with different status
values for a successful order.
See the order object for the full list of parameter details.
Attribute | Description |
coId | string: Client order ID assigned by the API user. |
type | string: Market , Limit , Stop , StopLimit , Pegged , Algo |
timeInForce | string: GTC , IOC , FOK , GTT , DAY |
side | string: Buy or Sell from the order placer's perspective and always for the base currency. |
currency | string: Dealt currency. |
symbol | string: Base and term currency separated by a slash "/" (for example EUR/USD ). |
size | double: Order amount. |
status | string: New , Partially Filled , Filled , Cancelled , Pending Cancel , Stopped , Rejected , Pending New , Expired , Received |
executionType | string: CANCELED , NEW , PARTIAL_FILL , PENDING_NEW , TRADE |
rateId | string: Unique identifier for rate. Required for Previously Quoted Orders. |
org | string: Your organization ID in Integral's system. |
price | double: Order's limit price. |
expiryTime | long: Expiry time when timeInForce =GTT. In seconds. Max value is one day (86399 seconds). |
maxShow | double: Amount of the order visible to other market participants:
averagePrice | double: Average price of all fills so far. |
cumQty | double: Total cumulative amount filled so far. |
execId | string: Transaction ID assigned by Integral for each fill. |
lastPrice | double: Price of the most recent fill. |
lastQty | double: Size of the most recent fill. |
orderId | string: Order ID assigned by Integral. |
valueDate | string: Value date. |
tradeDate | string: Trade date of fill. |
settlCurrAmt | double: Amount of the settled currency. |
leavesQty | double: Unfilled amount as of the most recent fill. |
counterParty | string: Counterparty organization ID. |
Cancel order
Cancel a single active order.
Order cancel request example
{ "orders":[
{ "action":"cancel",
Request body
{ "orders":["order object"] }
You must set action=cancel
on the order
- Action
- Required Attributes |-|-|
- Cancel order
action=cancel, coId, requestId, side, symbol, size
Cancel response pending example
{ "orderResponses":[
{ "type":"Limit",
Cancel response verified example
{ "orderResponses":[
{ "type":"Limit",
Response body
Your cancel request is acknowledged with a HTTP 202 Accepted message with no HTTP body.
Subsequent status changes are sent orderResponses
{ "orderResponses":["order object"] }
You receive multiple orderResponses
messages in response to a cancel request.
- Status
- Description |-|-|
status=Pending Cancel
- Order cancel is being attempted. The
message confirms your order attributes with aclientOrderTime
- Order has been cancelled.
Cancel all orders
Cancel all active orders.
Cancel all request example
{ "orders":[
{ "action":"cancelAll",
Request body
{ "orders":["order object"] }
You must set action=cancelAll
on the order
- Action
- Required Attributes |-|-|
- Cancel all active orders
action=cancelAll, requestId
Cancel all response received example
{ "orderResponses":[
{ "org":"SanityOrg",
"clientOrderTime":"Aug 4, 2021 11:03:38 AM",
Cancel all response canceled order example
{ "orderResponses":[
{ "type":"Stop",
Cancel all response summary example
{ "orderCancelReport":
{ "totalAffectedOrders":6,
Response body
{ "orderResponses":["order object"] }
You receive multiple orderResponses
messages in response to a request to cancel all active orders:
- Status
- Description |-|-|
- Request to cancel all received.
- Order canceled. Received for each canceled order.
- N/A
- Summary of mass cancel.