Market Data
Spot rates
Subscribe rates
Subscribe to a stream of real-time spot rates for a given symbol. In response this channel sends an aggregated list of rates, which may include prices from multiple liquidity providers or external market data sources.
Subscribe rates request example
{ "rateSubscriptions":
[ { "symbol":"EUR/USD",
Request body
Attribute | Description |
symbol | string: (required) Base and term currency separated by a slash "/" (for example EUR/USD ). |
requestId | string: (required) ID assigned by you to your request, returned in the response. |
type | string: The type of rates requested: RAW : Raw rates, FULL : Full book, TOB : Top of book, VWAP : Value-weighted average price. |
org | string: Organization ID. If specified, then rates are sourced from the liquidity providers configured for this org. If not specified, rates are sourced from preconfigured liquidity providers. |
tiers | string: Price tier amounts. Conditional: Applicable when type=VWAP . |
Subscribe rates request example
{ "rateSubscriptionsResponses":
[ { "request":
{ "symbol":"EUR/USD",
Response body
Attribute | Description |
symbol | string: Base and term currency separated by a slash "/" (for example EUR/USD ). |
type | string: The type of rates requested: RAW : Raw rates, FULL : Full book, TOB : Top of book, VWAP : Value-weighted average price. |
requestId | string: ID assigned by you to your request, returned in the response. |
status | string: The status of the request. |
Rate example
{ "rate":
{ "symbol": "EUR/USD",
"bid": [1.18631],
"offer": [1.18639],
"bidLimit": [1000000.0],
"offerLimit": [1000000.0],
"bidProviders": ["LP1","LP2","LP3"],
"offerProviders": ["LP2","LP3","LP1"],
"time": 1604046862425,
"requestId": 1
Attribute | Description |
symbol | string: Base and term currency separated by a slash "/" (for example EUR/USD ). |
bid | array [double]: Bid rate. |
offer | array [double]: Offer rate. |
bidLimit | array [double]: Bid size in base. |
offerLimit | array [double]: Offer size in base. |
bidProviders | array [double]: Bid price providers. Applies when type=RAW on the request. |
offerProviders | array [string]: Offer price providers. Applies when type=RAW on the request. |
time | int: Rate timestamp in milliseconds since the Unix epoch in the UTC timezone. |
Unsubscribe rates
Unsubscribe from a real-time rate stream.
Unsubscribe rates request example
{ "rateUnsubscriptions":
[ { "requestId":1
Request body
Attribute | Description |
requestId | string: (required) ID assigned by you to your request, returned in the response. |
Unsubscribe rates response example
{ "rateUnsubscriptionsResponses":
[ { "request":
{ "requestId":1
Response body
Attribute | Description |
requestId | string: ID assigned by you to your request, returned in the response |
status | string: The status of the request. |
Benchmark rates
Subscribe benchmark
Subscribe to a stream of benchmark rates for a symbol and price source. Returns Benchmark Rate or Grid Mid Rate.
Subscribe benchmark rates request example
{ "fxbenchmarkSubscriptions":[{
Request body
Attribute | Description |
symbol | string: (required) Base and term currency separated by a slash "/" (for example EUR/USD ). |
priceSource | string: The price source: FXB : Benchmark, GMR : Grid mid rate. If not specified, the default FXB is used. |
Subscribe benchmark rates response example
{ "fxbenchmarkSubscriptionResponses":[{
Response body
Attribute | Description |
symbol | string: Base and term currency separated by a slash "/" (for example EUR/USD ). |
type | string: The price source of the benchmark. |
status | string: The status of the request. |
Benchmark rate example
{ "fxbenchmark":
{ "currencyPair":"AUD/CAD",
Mid rate example
{ "gridmidrate":
{ "currencyPair":"AUD/CAD",
Attribute | Description |
currencyPair | string: Currency pair in the format base /term . |
priceSource | double: The rate. |
guid | string: Unique ID of the rate. |
timestamp | integral: The timestamp of the rate in milliseconds (Unix time). |
Unsubscribe benchmark
Unsubscribe from a stream of benchmark rates for a symbol and price source.
Unsubscribe benchmark rates request example
{ "fxbenchmarkUnsubscriptions":
[ { "symbol":"AUD/CAD",
Request body
Attribute | Description |
symbol | string: (required) Base and term currency separated by a slash "/" (for example EUR/USD ). |
priceSource | string The price source: FXB : Benchmark, GMR : Grid mid rate. If not specified, the default FXB is used. |
Unsubscribe benchmark rates response example
{ "fxbenchmarkUnsubscriptionResponses":
[ { "request":
{ "symbol":"AUD/CAD",
Response body
Attribute | Description |
symbol | string: Base and term currency separated by a slash "/" (for example EUR/USD ). |
priceSource | string: The price source:
status | string: The status of the request. |
Subscribe ticker
Subscribe to a stream of last-traded prices for a symbol. Returns Trade Ticker.
Subscribe ticker request example
{ "tradeTickerSubscriptions":
[ {"symbol":"EUR/USD"}
Request body
Attribute | Description |
symbol | string: (required) Base and term currency separated by a dash "-" (for example EUR/USD or GER30-USD ). |
Subscribe ticker response example
{ "tradeTickerSubscriptionResponses":
[ { "request":
{ "symbol":"EUR/USD"
Response body
Attribute | Description |
symbol | string: Base and term currency separated by a slash "/" (for example EUR/USD ). |
status | string: The status of the request. |
Ticker example
{ "tradeticker":
{ "symbol":"AUD/CAD",
Attribute | Description |
symbol | string: Currency pair in the format base /term . |
rate | double: The rate at which the trade was done. |
isBid | boolean: true =Trade rate is bid, false =Trade rate is offer. |
time | string: TThe timestamp of the trade in milliseconds (Unix time). |
Unsubscribe ticker
Unsubscribe from a stream of last traded prices on this venue for a symbol.
Unsubscribe ticker request example
{ "tradeTickerUnsubscriptions":
[ { "symbol":"EUR/USD"
Request body
Attribute | Description |
symbol | string: (required) Base and term currency separated by a slash "/" (for example EUR/USD ). |
Unsubscribe ticker response example
{ "tradeTickerUnsubscriptionResponses":
[ { "request":
Response body
Attribute | Description |
symbol | string: Base and term currency separated by a slash "/" (for example EUR/USD ). |
status | string: The status of the request. |