RequestValidationError.amount | Order size is invalid. |
RequestValidationError.CoIdNotSpecified | Client order ID not specified. |
RequestValidationError.DuplicateOrder | Order already exists for the given client order ID. |
RequestValidationError.TypeNotSpecified | Order type not specified. |
RequestValidationError.TIFNotSpecified | Time in force not specified. |
RequestValidationError.SideNotSpecified | Order side (buy or sell) not specified. |
RequestValidationError.CurrencyNotSpecified | Order dealt currency not specified. |
RequestValidationError.InvalidDealtCcy | Dealt currency is neither base currency nor term currency. |
RequestValidationError.SymbolNotSpecified | Symbol not specified. |
RequestValidationError.InvalidCurrencyPair | Symbol not valid or not supported by the system. |
RequestValidationError.SizeNotSpecified | Order size not specified. |
RequestValidationError.InvalidOrderQty | Order size not valid. |
RequestValidationError.InvalidPrice | Accepted price invalid. Zero is invalid price. |
RequestValidationError.BuySellMismatch | Buy/Sell side of the accepted price is incorrect. |
RequestValidationError.InvalidQuoteID | The rateId of the previously quoted (PQ) order is invalid. |
RequestValidationError.LegalEntitySetIncorrectly | Account field incorrect. |
RequestValidationError.OrderTypeNotSupported | Order type not supported. |
RequestValidationError.PriceMismatch | Accepted price not the same as previously quoted price. |
RequestValidationError.QuoteExpired | Rate associated with the rateId not found. It has expired. Price is no longer valid. |
RequestValidationError.tradingDisabled | Trading is disabled. |